
Saturday, August 20, 2005

State of denial?

State of denial?
Daily Star
Vol. 5 Num 440 Sun. August 21, 2005 State of denial?Mozammel H. Khan writes from TorontoThe worst did not happen, but could have happened. The perpetrators of last Wednesday's country-wide bomb attacks were somewhat kind for the fact that they did not use the deadliest weapons as available in the arsenals of their international comrades. If they had, there would have been a national catastrophe of astronomical magnitude. The precision with which half a thousand or so bombs were detonated in every district town of the country except one, with the utmost accuracy in a time span of only thirty minutes, not only underscored their superb technical know-how, but reflected the discipline and synchronicity of their network as well. Next time around, God forbid, people of the country may not be so fortunate......

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