
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The UN: Scrap it or mend it?

Copyright 2005 New Statesman Ltd. ,
September 12, 2005 BYLINE: Dan Plesch
Scrap it says Tariq Ali.
An unredeemable tool of American policyThe agenda for the super-summit of world leaders in New York should contain just one item: the UN's funeral rites. All talk of reform should be abandoned, because the real choice on the table today is not between the present mess and a genuinely democratic body but between this mess and an interventionist agency that can serve as the military instrument of the new world order, just as the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation are used on the economic front. That is what the United States and Britain want. Far better, in such circumstances, that the UN be given a decent burial and the "humanitarian interventionists" be left to find some other structure to wage their wars.

1 comment:

STAG said...

Sounds like a fellow who is not getting what he wants from the UN!!
